So let’s comment on what is the roadmap of this project below.

–> There will be 5 milestones from which a different number of NFTs will be derived.

–> In each milestone there will be a different number of OEZAs (One Eye Zombie Apes) and they will have significant characteristics that will differentiate them from the OEZAs of each event (corresponding to one of the five milestones).

–>The milestones follow the story that is told on this website and that coincides with the fall of the first radioactive meteorite (The radioactive banana) and the events that take place after this first explosion in the world of the little apes.

Let’s see then what are the milestones, what happens in each of them and the characteristics of the OEZAS generated in each of them:

Milestone 1 – Radioactive Banana Explosión

Milestone 2 – The consecuences of eating the banana

Milestone 3 – The Krypto Lemon Armaggedon

Milestone 4 – The Krypto Kiwi bombarding

Milestone 5- The Red Tomatoe Apocalypse

Milestone 1 – Radioactive Banana Explosion

In this first phase of all the events that happen to the little monkeys, the first monkeys that are the closest at the time that the radioactive banana explodes acquire special properties and are perhaps the most different of all those that will follow in the following transformations. In this first moment, which lasts tenths of a second, 30 to 40 OEZAS (One Eye Zombie Apes) are created.

These OeZas can be found in

Milestone 2 – The consequences of eating the banana

As a result of eating the radioactive banana that fell on the planet of the dwarf apes, they became mutant zombies and the color of their skin changed to a light green color (titanium green). As the story goes, these EZAs have many characteristics and each of them has different characteristics from the other in terms of the shape of the mouth, the nose, what they wear on their head or what they have put in the hole of the right eye.

In this milestone, some 8000 unique and clearly differentiated EOAS have been generated. Within these 8000 we can find Common, Rare, Epic and legendary features that make each of them special separately.

The process to get hold of any of them is already open and the minting is ready on the website of

Minting is live on Monday 12th of September, 2022.

These OeZas can be found in the web of

Important note. If a sizable number of NFts haven’t been sold in a couple of weeks, we’ll move the remaining collection to and hold an auction there so that the highest paying zombie takes each zombie. If you are interested, you do not have much time left to get an OEZA at a fixed price

Milestone 3 – The Krypto Lemon Armaggedon

After the catastrophic explosions produced by radioactive fruits from distant galaxies and star systems, the small planet still had the occasional tragedy to suffer. And it was time for the “Krypto lemon Armaggedon” where thousands of small super yellow and radioactive lemons will impact against the planet and against the end and the body of thousands of dwarf apes survivors of the first waves of fruit howitzers.

At this time the OEZAs that are generated will have a much more yellow color of face skin due to radioactive lemons and a number such as 1000 OEZAs will be generated.

As of October 1, 2022, the Minting process will be opened on a platform to be determined. You should be attentive to the news on social networks or on this website where days before we will inform about where to get any of these precious OEZAs.

At this point we will make a “giveaway” of 100 OEZAS randomly among all social media users who follow us on Twitter and instagram. Stay tuned to our news!

These OeZas can be found in the web of

Milestone 4 – The Krypto Kiwi bombarding

Once the previous waves of fruit bombings have been overcome, it is time for the bombardment of the cytolytic kiwis.

This steroidal fruit will create many zombies with very green and bright skin color.

A number such as 600 OEZAs with this skin peculiarity will be generated.

As of November 1, 2022, the Minting process will be opened on a platform to be determined. You should be attentive to the news on social networks or on this website where days before we will inform about where to get any of these precious OEZAs

At this point we will make a “giveaway” of 50 OEZAS randomly among all social media users who follow us on Twitter and instagram. Stay tuned to our news!

These OeZas can be found in the web of Nifty Gateway

Milestone 5 – The red tomato apocalypse!

And when everything seemed to be calm, radioactive tomatoes appeared!!.

Guess what color the skin of the zombies that are generated in this phase will be…

A number such as 400 OEZAs will be generated in the red tomato apocalypse phase.

At this point we will make a “giveaway” of 20 OEZAS randomly among all social media users who follow us on Twitter and instagram. Stay tuned to our news!

As of December 1, 2022, the Minting process will be opened on a platform to be determined. You should be attentive to the news on social networks or on this website where days before we will inform about where to get any of these precious OEZAs

These OeZas can be found in the web of Super Rare

Milestone 6 – OEZAs The Game!

It is expected that there will be changes in the future in terms of the One Eye Zombie Apes will surely appear a game in which the holders of some NFT will have competitive advantages over the players who do not have them, but it is in an initial process

Milestone 7 – One Eye Zombie Apes ZombieLand (ZombieVerse)

We have in mind to create a metaverse where one-eyed zombies can interact and perhaps interact with other zombies from other metaverses so that they add little more gameplay. Right now the ideas of what this new zombie world could be like are being sketched out.